Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bamboo Plants and Lucky Bamboo

Bamboo Plants are the largest members of the grass family. In South Asia, South East Asia and East Asia, they are of notable economic and cultural significance, having been one of the most commonly used plant for building materials, as a food source, and as a versatile raw product.

There are many types of lucky bamboo, one of which is the 'Fargesia Qinlingensis' in the Qinling Mountains in China. In India, there is a debate over whether bamboo is a tree or a grass which was later on recognized as a minor forest produce.

Lucky Bamboo plant is an entirely unrelated to Bamboo Plants. It is a resilient member of the lily family that grows in the dark, tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia and Africa. This has been more known in the developed world as a Chinese decorative plant propagated from short cuttings, usually in water.

This has long been associated with the Eastern practice of Feng Shui and a popular houseplant, with numerous cultivars sold. It is said to bring natural elements of water, fire, earth, wood and metal into balance within the environment. It may seem to be just a simple decoration but according to Feng Shui it is believed to be an ideal example of the thriving wood and water element, while a red ribbon tied around the stalks is believed to be the fire that provides the positive flow of energy or chi in the room. The number of stalks also has meaning. If there are three stalks, it means happiness; five stalks for wealth; six stalks for health. If you can notice, the number four is not included as the word 'four' in Chinese sounds too similar to the Chinese word for 'death' which is bad for Feng Shui.

To take care of Lucky Bamboo plants, indirect lighting is advised though this plan can survive in many indoor conditions. Direct sunlight can cause the leaves to turn yellow and burn. It does not require too much work to take care of this plant. It would require plenty of indirect sunlight and about an inch of water from the base of the canes which by the way, needs to be replaced weekly. A small amount of fertilizer can also be added to the water to keep the plant at a manageable size and healthy as well. It can easily be propagated from the original plant by cutting through the stalk just below the joint. You can have several Lucky Bamboo plant to keep your household or office lucky and balanced in no time and less work.

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