Monday, May 13, 2013

Flower Centerpiece Ideas


An adorable flower centerpiece brings fragrance and hue to a tabletop. It doesn't have to be expensive, it just need to be creative and full of imagination to achieve a well-deserving masterpiece. Choosing your centerpiece is the same as choosing the paint color of your wall. It has to be your favorite, something that can make you feel comfortable, relaxed and at home because when you sit down on the couch or sit on the dining table, it is the first thing your eyes will take a glance at. Remember that when your tired or stressed, the first thing you need to see are things that provides a positive mood to uplift your spirit. Flowers and plants does that, it provides positive energy that helps us feel relaxed.

You can buy artificial arrangement, fresh cut flowers or flowers in decorative containers to decorate your tabletop. Flowers in pots can be used for a longer time since it grows and you can change or re-decorate the containers from time to time. You can recycle your unused canister, tins and colorful jars to create a unique arrangement. Also, you can be creative by combining growing plants and fresh cut flowers like the wheat grass centerpiece above.

You can also buy ready-to-use centerpieces. If you don't have time to make one yourself, then shopping online is the easiest way to order. Decorating your own containers can be satisfying. Another way is to paint your pots with your favorite tint and design. You can also place your plants in paper bags and tie a ribbon like on the upper right picture above. To satisfy your admiration in making these centerpieces, there are things you need to consider like the season and your mood. Not all the time your receive a positive vibe so if you get bored with the lay-out, there's always a room for a change.

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