Friday, December 27, 2013

Taking Care Of Indoor Cactus Plant

Cacti are type of plants called succulents, they can be displayed both at the office or at home. Most of the cacti live in habitats subject to atleast some drought, but many live in extremely dry environments, even being found in the Atamaca Desert, which is one of the most driest place on Earth. Most species of these cacti lost its true leaves retaining only spines, which are highly modified leaves. Spines help prevent water loss by reducing air flow close to the cactus and providing shade, as well as defending against herbivores. Did you know that cacti from desert areas, like the Mammillaria and Echinocactus, are plump and spiny while thos that originally grew in the jungle areas are flat or thin and spineless.

On the other hand when we say succulents, they can be referred to as any plant with fleshy parts, like the leaves, stems and roots, usually are adapted for storing moisture in times of drought. Putting a medium cactus garden in the middle of the center table in your living room or at a table top in your office would totally change the environment of the whole area. Medium cactus garden is composed of seven different cacti plants and succulents in a 7" planter, can transform the look of it's environment. Many people think that cacti and succulents require a small amount of water, while it is true that these type of plants are tough, and can usually survive under such circumstances, but they will unlikely not thrive. 

In most cases cactus plant will do well in pots as long as you remember three things. They are the food, light and water requirements. When you bring the plant home, most of the time it is in a pot or planter and has probably grown there for a long time, which means it has used up all the in the soil, So think about re-potting and setting up feeding program. A potted cactus will live and flower in the house if given enough light but not too much and also remember that cactus in pots or planters require more care in watering than those in the ground. Growing a cactus is very rewarding.

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