Friday, April 11, 2014

Care for Gift Plants

People nowadays are becoming more aware of giving live plants as a gift rather than cut flowers. Out of many specie and varieties of flowers, one that is rapidly becoming most popular potted houseplant, behind poinsettias at Christmas are the Orchids. What others don't know is that, orchids have long been a symbol of love and beauty, just like the roses. They are favored as corsage worn on the dress, or as wristband at many proms and weddings and many more special events. They are mostly grown by enthusiasts for their sheer elegance and fascination. For many people, their first gift orchid is the beginning of a long-term love affair with these flowers. But it can seem a long way from a lovely gift orchid to a thriving collection of flowering plants.

Finding or choosing the right kind of orchid to suit the environment of your home is the first start to proper care of orchids. But, how about those who received the orchids as a gift? Since they don't really have much of a choice, what they can do is research on how to care for that type of orchid plant. Miltonia orchid in wood and wicker container can often be seen on flower shops and they become popular even on online shops nowadays. When you first receive your orchid, it will likely be in bloom and obviously you want to prolong the bloom as long as possible. Most people who are new to orchids think the plants needs loads of water to grow well, but it's just not true. Orchids with wet roots are susceptible to root rot and other problems because most orchids grow on trees and their roots need fresh air flow to be healthy.

Re-potting a blooming orchid, especially one that arrived in such a beautiful container is too stressful on the plant and it will drop it's blooms. Instead of re-potting it's better to hold off on the water, wait three days or a week and make sure that you don't place your orchids where it will experience cold drafts or exposure to direct sunlight or heating vents. Those are just simple and basic steps in caring for your orchids, but our orchid will go a very long way or will thrive healthily with just following those simple steps.

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