Friday, April 25, 2014

Cactus Are Indoor Plants Too

One of the many characteristics of a cactus plant is it can survive in extremely dry environments or places. Cactus plants also shows many adaptations to conserve water especially with the help of spine to prevent water loss by reducing air flow. They are mostly noted for their sharp spines and ability to thrive in hot places, but what we really don't know is that these cactus and other succulent plants can actually adopt to the environment indoors with just a various amount of light and humidity. Cactus plants comes in a number of varieties and shapes, some have striking blooms and they also make a colorful, hearty houseplants.

All cactus are succulent meaning that they can store water and all are also perennial meaning they can last for many years given the right growth practices. Although it is easy to grow these kind of plants, one must also be knowledgeable enough or at least know some basics and the do's and don't on caring for the cactus plant. I actually have a medium cactus garden at home which I bought online since it was for sale. It has seven different cacti and succulent in a 7" planter which is a delightful sight at home. I had to read books and also check facts on the internet on how to take care and maintain these type of plants because it is still possible to experience failure, so knowing a few best practices on how to grow cactus on containers will definitely ensure success.

Always remember to put your cactus plant in the sunniest part of your home and when learning how to grow them, be careful also not to prick your hand, so you must always use a gardening gloves when working with them. One good cactus growing tip is to lift the pot to see how heavy it is. If it feels lighter than usual, it means it is time to water your indoor cactus.

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