Friday, June 13, 2014

Honoring The Father's In Our Lives


It's the time of the year again, when we celebrate and honor our fathers and the influence of fathers in the society. They say that any fool can make a baby, but it takes a man to raise a child. That is actually true especially nowadays. A daddy isn't always defined as the man who makes the child, rather a man who extends his hands and time to help raise the child and gives his heart and love to the child. Always remember that being a daddy comes from the heart and you don't need to be blood related for one to become a good dad to a child. I have always been thankful to my dad who raised and taught me everything that I should know about life. He has been my inspiration and because of his influence in my life I was able to meet a person of the same characters as his.

Today, as we celebrate Father's day, I would like to say my thank you to my Father who had raised me in the best way he can even though we are not blood related. He never see me as somebody's child, but treated me as his own. It was hard loosing him but I am still grateful that I was able to meet a man as respectful and lovable as he is. I know that he is at peace now, together with our Creator and that he is proud and happy for me and for my own family. I bought a lucky bamboo with three stalks, instead of flowers since we will be visiting his grave today. The three stalks on the lucky bamboo represents peace strength and love. I always pray that he now receives greater peace. I am thankful for receiving greatest love from my father and that he continues to pat my shoulders, giving me strength every time I needed it.

A father means a source of strength and of support right from the very start. A constant readiness to help and in a kind and thoughtful way. Now, my husband becomes that very man that I look up to everyday. He sees to it that our son's needs are taken cared of in every way that he can. A father means so many things because he is a man like you.

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