Friday, May 23, 2014

The Value Of Indoor Plants To Our Home And Office


Indoor plants have a very good effect not only in our surrounding but most especially in our health. Due to climate change that we are experiencing right now, I always wanted to have more plants inside our house because it help reduces the too much heat and absorbs all chemicals in the air. Bringing the outdoors inside does more than just beautify your space. Beneath the beauty of these indoor plants, we will be able to discover the facts and benefits that they could provide us, and that they go far beyond the aesthetic. The benefits cover a spectrum from physically cleaner air to direct beneficial effects on psychological health, task performance, illness reduction and productivity.

Houseplants or indoor plants are actually good for our health because they grab and filter polluted indoor air. These living organisms interact with our body, mind and home in ways that enhances the quality of life. While some plants are better than others for absorbing pollutants, all plants have properties that are useful for improving air quality. One of my most favored plant is the gardenia bonsai, not only of its beauty but as well as the benefits it could provide us and our homes. Aside from the fact that gardenia bonsai improves the moisture and air quality indoors, it is also a very aromatic plant, thus, creating only pleasant smell and masking the bad ones.

These indoor plants contribute to a feeling of well-being, making us calm and optimistic. Plus, they have been known to lower blood pressure due to their stress-relieving nature. Knowing the effects of these indoor plants, we are assured that we will less likely to be breathing the musty, stale air and in return improve our health condition.

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