Friday, May 16, 2014

To Give Is To Receive

Receiving in the form of giving is the best way to show someone how you truly feel towards them. The best part in giving is knowing that you were able to share some of your blessings to others. And, there are actually many ways in which you could show someone that they are important in your life. A give and take relationship is better compared to the other one is good in giving and the other one is better in receiving. For sure, that kind of relationship will not last longer. That is romantically speaking, but between family and friends, it really doesn't matter if you give more and receive less. Because, what you truly share to them is selfless love.

One of the most precious gift that I receive from a friend is the large braided money tree. In feng shui, it is said that the money tree attracts energy of wealth and prosperity. But for me, the large braided money tree is still a plant which we should really care and maintain. It is an indoor plant but can be put outdoors. As for me, I have placed the money tree on my desk in the office. And to combat the dry air found inside the office, I have placed a shallow tray filled with gravel and a little water under the container. This is a technique that I have learned from reading a book about bonsai plants, which really worked.

Let us always be thankful for the gifts that we receive, but most of all we should be happy for the blessings that we could share. A growing plant. a bouquet of flowers or any material things can be given easily without asking for any return. But, love should only be given to someone who truly deserves to receive it.

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